Why C4U?
Courses 4 You specialises in the delivery of British Education Globally. We are an accredited centre for ATHE, OTHM and offer 150+ Courses online via blended learning.
“The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn’t interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting.” – Steve Jobs

Different approach?
The concept of one job for life has disappeared. Hence to succeed in our careers, we need to continuously train ourselves. Gaining new skills should not be expensive. 24×7 access to course material and tutors allows flexibility and ease of learning at your own pace. Learn while you earn is the new mantra where you do not have to choose one over the other.
Highly qualified teachers with years of experience in teaching online. Our teachers have masters degree with teaching qualification.

Defining Standards for Online Education
We provide personalised tutorials that have led to high completion rates for learners who have enrolled from 18 countries. We take pride in saying that 98.4% of our enrolled cohort complete and achieve their qualification. Courses 4 You is a fully owned subsidiary of Course 4 U Online, which was established in 2015, over 2000 students have chosen Course 4 U to study and gone on to build a successful career.​

Accredited Courses
Courses 4 You specialises in offering qualifications – Diploma and Degree which lead to employment. The courses are oriented to help start your own business, grow in your career or support with skills that are required for changing your career.
We have chosen the best qualifications from prestigious awarding organisations like ATHE and OTHM. As a partner centre for London Graduate School we are also able to provide university top-up courses. The Course 4 U provides a blend of theoretical and practical learning that will help to launch your career. The courses which are offered in various specialisms are taught by qualified tutors who have significant teaching experience within the UK further education sector. The staff offers IAG services from CV enhancement to counselling on progression routes to University courses. Course 4 U offers progression to UK degree courses via its Awarding Organisation partnerships. These include the BA, B.Sc, MA, M.Sc and MBA Top-ups which are validated by a UK University.
Choose from 150+ award, certificate, diploma and degree courses. Courses available in Accounting, Business, Computing, Healthcare, Hospitality, Law, Management, Teaching and many more

Ease of Access
Our learner management system enables students to access and download course materials. Easy accessibility across devices like the Smartphone, Tablet, PC/Laptop or Mac makes learning easier. Web meeting platform enables regular interactions with the tutor at a click of a button from any of the smart devices.

Guaranteed Completion
Design and delivery of our courses guaranteed completion for all learners. Courses are designed to suit working professional and students.
Experience a new way of learning at your own pace, which is totally flexible, 24×7 and interactive. The courses are delivered online using webinars. The assessment is via assignments and there are no Exams.
Personal Support
Learning online doesn’t mean you’re learning alone. All of our students have access to our online tutor support and resources. If you can get online, you can get to class. 24 hours a day. Seven days a week. From anywhere in the world. Simply log in and learn.

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